Alongside this journey I had Lynsey there to be my cheerleader. The laughs we shared together despite the sensitive topics we talked about was one of my favorite things about working with Lynsey.

— Jenn A.

“Since starting with Lynsey, over time I've been releasing the shame-based feeling around food, and it’s felt very freeing! Similarly, I'm shedding the diet mentality thinking that has held space in my brain for so long. I know that this will be a continual process, but working with Lynsey was the catalyst of beginning to shed these very harmful thinking processes. It goes beyond food too, to the point where I'm seeking to enact healthy habits in every area of my life.”

— Alexa C.

“Your program meant so much to me. I feel like I am in such a better, healthier, restored place since working together. It’s not just your knowledge but your whole heart and personality that impacted me. You are a blessing and I love how you pour your heart into your clients.”

— Anonymous client

“You've changed my life and my family’s life!! So excited to continue this so my girls feel fueled and their brains can function at their best!”

— Anonymous client